Fire Systems Products is in partnership with Firetrace Aust, providing warehousing and shipping facilities to Australian installers. FSP provide wholesale products to the Suppression industry.
Firetrace Suppression systems do not require electricity, instead it detects heat using specially designed tubing that can be installed anywhere a fire might start. When Firetrace Gas Suppression system detects either heat and flames, the tubing bursts open, activating the system.
When the detection tubing bursts, there is a pressure change in the suppression system which activates a valve, releasing the gas or powder suppression agent stored in the cylinder. Firetrace systems are automatically actuated and do not require manual operation, unlike fire extinguishers, but, systems can still be manually operated by pushing a button called the manual release.
Firetrace Automatic Suppression Systems come in 3 distinct types
Direct release systems detect fires using flexible Firetrace detection tubing. They suppress fires by releasing suppression agent directly through the tubing.
Indirect release systems detect fires using flexible Firetrace detection tubing. They suppress fires by delivering suppression agent through hoses and nozzles.
High pressure systems detect fires using flexible Firetrace detection tubing. They suppress fires by delivering CO2 at high pressure through hoses and nozzles.