Vigilant ADM130-Mk2 Monitor Module (ADM130-Mk2)

Vigilant ADM130-Mk2 Monitor Module (ADM130-Mk2)

Vigilant Electromagnetic Door Holder (FP0101)

Vigilant Electromagnetic Door Holder (FP0101)

Vigilant Network LED Display Unit (NLDU)(FP0695)

Network LED Display Unit (NLDU)
The NLDU has multiple functions. It can operate as a bridge between a panel-link network and remote F4000 panel connected to the NLDU via modems and a 4-wire leased circuit. It can display the status of network zones on LED display boards. It can perform netrwork system event printing. It provides an F4000 RZDU protocol serial output on which it transmits the status of its LED's or logical combination of zones states. A single NLDU device may perform some or all of these functions.